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Tuesday, 22 May 2007

SBS Dateline: Israel's Divide
An episode not to be missed

DATELINE: Israel's Divide
Wednesday night 8.30PM EST 23 May SBS.

From SBS Viewing guide:
Israel's Divide
Israel is officially a Jewish state but in reality, 20 percent of Israel's citizens are Palestinian Arabs. As Sophie McNeill reports, this group of 1.5 million people believe they're being discriminated against in their own country.

Relations between Jews and Arabs inside Israel are at a turning point, as both groups struggle with their sense of identity. Dateline reports on the fight to retain or alter Israel's Jewishness.


The reporter of this segment Sophie McNeil has been involved in some previous controversial reporting. Considering her previous history, the place she is currently Living, [Lebanon] and her seeming well developed empathy for Arabs, this particular episode deserves close attention. Apparently Sophie McNeil is learning Arabic, what worries me is, that unlike Israel where it is quite possible to present controversial opinions which differ from the majority, it seems reporters immersed in Arabic culture find little similar intellectual freedom.

If there is anything you feel is discriminatory then send an email to: SBS Dateline

SBS is probably my favorite channel for viewing, Some of its shows are exceptional, despite this, of recent times I have seen a rise in Anti Semitic programing, and in some instances down right Anti Semitic content and narrations.

I hope that Dateline doesn't contribute once again to SBS's slide towards Antisemitism.

References: Dateline: Israel's Divide


Monday, 21 May 2007

SBS Yiddish Program: Who is Nicholas Sarkozy

For those readers from Australia who speak Yiddish, if your not aware of the SBS Radio broadcasts in Yiddish and the availablility of Yiddish Podcasts then you're missing out on something.

SBS recently had a segment on Who is Nicolas Sarkozy.

SBS Podcast download: Who is Nicholas Sarkozy

SBS Yiddish program

Who Is Nicholas Sarkozy?
Sun, May 20 2007

Alex Dafner takes a quick glance at the Jewish roots of the new French President ‎Nicholas Sarkozy and some excerpts of his victory speech, which perhaps carry the ‎echo of the veltantshaung, worldview that Sarkozy inherited from his Greek Jewish ‎grandfather Beniko Benedict Mallah.‎

ווער איז ניקאלאס סארקאזי?‏

אלעקס דאפנער כאפט א בליק אויפן יידישן אפשטאם פונעם נייעם
פראנצייזישן פרעזידענט ניקאלאס ‏זארקאזי און שפילט ענצעלע אויסצוגן פון זיין רעדע נאך זיין נצחון אין די וואלן וואס ווייזן אפשר אן ‏אויף דעם וועלטאנטשאונג וואס


Have you checked out:
The SBS Radio Yiddish program??

SBS Yiddish Radio



This is a post about the fantastic SBS Radio's Yiddish Language Program. They offer an extensive coverage of news, current affairs, cultural, historical, health, traditional and Shoah themes.

They also receive regular and occassional reports from correspondents in Israel, the USA, Europe and within Australia itself. You can find out what's on in your town and what to do within the Yiddish-Jewish communities as well as program highlights on SBS TV.

You can listen to the latest program or select segments from the Audio Highlights list on the SBS Radio: Yiddish Radio Program

You can also select segments by category from the SBS Radio: Yiddish Radio Program
Please let us know what you liked and what you would like to hear in the future.

Click here to subscribe to the podcast

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Sunday, 20 May 2007

Welcome to Aussie Bagel

This Blog is in the process of being built, you're a little early, good to see some one so keen.

Whilst you're here please do check out all of the Mr Bagel stable, including the New Jokes section, (taking submissions) and the soon to be opened Mr Bagel Free, if you know of good offers, that other Jews would be interested in then please let me know via email.

Why 17 different sections? In an effort to decrease page sizes, and give permanent addresses to some of my sections, I have created these sub sections to improve the experience of visitors.

Please forgive the odd unfinished section, there's a lot of Blog Building going on.


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